A horse and cart would frequently travel down this chalk path – and today it is used by modern farm vehicles.
sweeping down to the sea – so glorious when the sun is shining – sweeping down to a peaceful area where one can just get on with one’s work, and mostly on one’s own.
at the bottom – there were some cottages – where the fishermen lived – they fished in the Summer – and in the Winter they would have other rural occupations – such as the maintenance and repair of the fishing boats and their dwellings – they would catch wildlife – and of course – the milking of the cows continued just as it did in the Summer – but this time more focus on the production of different kinds of cheeses – which took place in an extended building coming from off one of the cottages, the cheeses of course being quite unique to the area. Some might think today it’s a shame about the wildlife – and I agree – but it was a hard life in those days and one had to do whatever one could. This is how it had been for generations. There was no sense of cruelty with them though – everything they did was as humane as they were able to do. They had a sense that life deserved respect even if it was to be part of their diet – at least that’s the story – that was handed down through the local mythology and tales.
© 2020